6 Lodge Street, Bristol BS1 5LR, England Tel: + 44-117- 9279391 E-mail:mil@mapuche-nation.org Mapuche Kingdom Mourns Death of Sovereign Antonio IV Press release - December 19th 2017 The monarch in exile…
Reaffirming the Constitution of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia April 14, 2023 The constitution of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia was approved in a Futa Koyang (Mapuche parliament)…
Wiñoy Xipantu 2020 message from Prince Frédéric I of Araucanía and Patagonia to the Mapuche Nation Mapuche New Year - 24 June 2020 Marri marri pu Lonko, Marri marri pu…
Dying for Change, an Indigenous Mapuche Dilemma By Dame Nina Saleh Ahmed - June 28th 2020. Today Chile’s indigenous Mapuche political prisoners, incarcerated as a result of the defence of…
Message from HRH Prince Frédéric I to the Mapuche nation related to the Covid-19 Pandemic Marhi marhi pu Lonko, Marhi marhi pu Machi, Marhi marhi pu Werken. Marhi marhi kompuche:…