100 Days of Hunger Strike:
Machi Celestino Córdova- His farewell message
Wallmapu, August 11th 2020
To the Mapuche Nation and indigenous people, to all non-indigenous people across the world. All peoples who fight for their spiritual beliefs, for their territories, for their freedom, for the right to dignify its people. Always striving for the optimum balance that our Mother Earth, Ñuke Mapu, has supernaturally bestowed upon all of Humanity and that is sadly not yet valued as it deserves.
I very much regret that I must deliver this, my final message, in the last remaining days before my final sacrifice. For me, it will be an absolute honour to give my life for the Mapuche people, for our spiritual beliefs which are vital and sacred, and which we must never renounce. Above all, in my position as a Machi (spiritual guide/healer) it is my supernaturally given duty in the spiritual world to do this.
So that my death may be quicker, I plan to resume my hunger and thirst strike, so that my end will not be as slow as the State, the current government, and business sector in general hope.
Until my very last day, I will remind the Chilean state that on top of the massacre of our ancestors and the spiritual, cultural, and socioeconomically impoverishment cruelly forced upon our Mapuche Nation since the arrival of the invaders. In current times, since January 2013 the Chilean state, through the police force, stripped me of my Rewe (shrine), of my family, of my community, of my territory, of all the patients to whom I gave life and health, as a Mapuche spiritual authority.
But the time will come when there will be justice for all indigenous peoples in the world and for all the oppressed peoples as is supernaturally predestined, and we are already living the new renewal of the world.
I wish to say to you, as well as profoundly thanking life for giving me a family, for allowing me my small role in the fight for our people and being at the service of Humanity. I am also grateful for those across the globe who have opened their hearts to me.
Finally, my only hope is that you keep demanding, in every way possible, the restitution of our ancestral Mapuche territories and the settlement of all historic debts owed by the Chilean State to all indigenous peoples, and demand that no autopsy be carried out upon me following my death.
Chaltumay, thank you so much.
Source: See here