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Open letter to Mr. Straw, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom
On the 12th June this year, the UK parliament ratified the free-trade agreement between the European Union and Chile by means of a statutory instrument

An Urgent Call To The European People
Both, the Chilean and the European Delegation have reached an agreement, on May 2002, on the final text of an Free Trade Agreement that has been negotiated since 1990

Chile: The Strike of the Jaguar
Chile is located at the bottom south part of America, between 18º and 56º South latitude, not including Antartic Territory. It has two millions square kilometres of territory where you con find various climates and habitats, from the driest desert in the world to the polar climate down the south

Mapuches Question Free Trade Agreement between European Union and Chile
In June 2002, the Government of the Republic of Chile and the European Union signed the 'Free Trade Agreement' in order to establish a bilateral relationship that includes a broad range of matters concerning trade and investment. This agreement will come into effect as soon as it is ratified by the Parliaments of the 15 member countries of the European Union

Open letter from Mapuche organisations based in Europe
During the dictatorship of Pinochet the Mapuche people were brutally oppressed and stripped of their constitutional rights. Twelve years after the re-establishment of democracy in Chile nothing has changed...

Mapuches oppose the Agreement between the European Union and Chile
The Free-Trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Chile is strongly opposed by the Mapuche people's organisations based in Holland, Belgium, Sweden and the UK. A campaign has been launched today to contest its ratification...