An open letter from a Mapuche chief to the president of Chile

Temuko, Tuesday, 22 April 2003

Señor Ricardo Lagos Escobar
President of the Republic of Chile
Casa de La Moneda
Santiago de Chile

Mr President

My name is Pascual Pichún Paillalao. I am the Mapuche Lonko for the Antonio Ñiripil of Temulemu community, and I was held by for more than a year by the Chilean justice system in the state prison in Traiguen, together with peñi (brother) Aniceto Norin and lamngen (sister) Patricia Troncoso. We were accused of being "terrorists" and a "danger to society," even though there was no evidence to convict us and none of us has a criminal record. As you will already be aware, a week ago a court in the 9th Region finally made a ruling in our favour and confirmed what we have always maintained before the public prosecutors and public opinion: that we are completely innocent of all the charges of the prosecution.

Mr President, fifteen months in prison, three hunger strikes, the imprisonment of two of my young sons also on charges of terrorism, and the forced separation from my family, my work in the fields, and from my peñi and lamngen in the community, are the price I had to pay for being a Mapuche Lonko (chief) and for taking on the dignified cause that is my people's struggle for their rights. In spite of what the public prosecutor said, we were not imprisoned for burning the house of Agustín Figueroa. We were, and continue to be, persecuted in Chile for fighting a social cause and for being the living memory of an unfinished campaign of genocide in this country that has no memory.

I want you to listen when I tell you that we, the Mapuche, have never been terrorists as you accuse us, nor will we be. We are only fighting for what is fair, for our land, for a better future for our children and for all our people. As a Mapuche Lonko, I have the duty to represent my people, to speak out for them, and to lead them in the good times and also when times get hard. It is my job as Mapuche authority, Mr Lagos, a task which I take on with a pride that I imagine is similar to what you feel as the authority for all the winka or Chileans.

I am writing you this letter today, not because I want to complain about the fate of the Mapuche, but to request you to give us a minimum of respect and justice. I believe that you should use your authority to ensure that those responsible for our imprisonment pay for their mistake. I refer to the regional public attorney, Mrs Esmirna Vidal, and attorneys Mr Raúl Bustos, Alberto Chiffelle and Francisco Rojas. With an attitude that was openly racist against our people, they accused us of terrorist attacks and refused to hear our declarations of innocence throughout the trial. This attitude, Mr Lagos, goes against everything that you and your predecessors promised on the fairer treatment of indigenous people. For this reason I am calling on you to demand their resignation from the government, particularly for Mrs Vidal who holds a position of trust within the region.

Better times will come to my people and I am sure that future generations will continue to fight for our territory and rights. I want you to know that when you and I are no longer on this earth, other Mapuche will continue to fight for what is our right and other Lonkos will take the place that I and so many of my brothers occupy today. You must never forget that, Mr President.

Pascual Pichun Paillalao
Mapuche Lonko of the Temulemu - Traiguén community

This letter is backed by the following organisations:

Coordinación de Organizaciones e Identidades Territoriales Mapuche
Identidad Territorial Lafkenche - Tirúa
Asociación Mapuche Ñankucheo - Lumaco
Comunidades en Conflicto de Collipulli
Consejo de Werkenes del Lago Budi
Estudiantes Mapuche de Temuco
Agrupación de Profesionales Mapuche - Konapewman
Centro de Documentación Mapuche LIWEN
Coordinación de Comunidades en conflictos ambientales - IX Región
Corporación de Mujeres Aukin Ko Zomo
Asociación Gremial Ad-Mapu
Ayja Rewe de Xuf Xuf
Asociación Indígena para la Salud Makewe Pelale
Asociación Pikun Futa Willimapu de Valdivia
Kolectivo Lientur de Kontra-Información Mapuche
Consejo de Todas Las Tierras Aukiñ Wallmapu
Corporación Mapuche Xeg-Xeg

Translated by,
Kitty McCarthy
Mapuche International Link

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