Mininco forestry company violate agreement with Mapuche Communities


September 24, 1999

The forestry company Mininco PLC violate agreement set up with the Mapuche communities of the Traiguen zone: four arrested and several injured as a result of the Events Calendar of this morning, Wednesday 24th.

This week Mininco recommenced work; this time the afforestation on the estates of Chorillo and Santa Rosa de Colpi in the the Traiguen zone, region IX of the country. They are therebye breaking the agreement which existed between the company and the communities of Temulemu, Didaico and Pantano. Mapuche community members responded to these Events Calendar by mobilizing. They attempted this morning to prevent the company from continuing with the planting of pine in areas which they are claiming as community land and whose ownership is currently being disputed in the courts.

The action was violently repressed by the 200 strong contingent of a special police force. Refusing to engage in dialogue and aided by the security guards employed by the forestry company, pushed back the Mapuche (both women and men) with tear gas and plastic bullets and arrested four people: Sandra Tramolao, Patricia Troncoso, Alejandro Quiñelen and Ramon Pinchun. Ramon Pinchun and Alejandro Quiñelen were taken to hospital in Traiguen, the former with an injury to his right eye caused by the impact of a plastic bullet. The women were taken to Victoria prison at around 7pm.

According to information from the press, radio and Chilean TV stations, many Mapuche were injured, although the exact number is not known. Pascual Pichun, leader of the community of Temulemu denounced the actions of the company security guards. He said they had continued to terrorize the families throughout the evening and had defiled a site where the communities had planted a rewue (altar)and held a Nguillatun (religious ceremony) two weeks ago. In the face of their actions, the community emphasised that it would not allow itself to be terrorized or insulted and that the resistance will continue.

It must be pointed out that the communities have lengthy cases pending against Mininco in the Chilean courts. They are together claiming more than 1300 hectares which were siezed and occupied illegally by farmers and which today form part of the Santa Rosa de Colpi and Chorrilos estates owned by the forestry company.

Source: Lulul Mawidha

Jeannette Paillan
Lulul Mawidha
Fono/fax: 562-2714845
Americo Vespucio 1587, Dpto 14 Macul
Santiago - Chile

Translated b

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